This can be such a stressful time of year for your kids with exams, new year pressure, and less time playing outside because it’s so dark and cold. Never mind the inevitable sickness, like Alisdair’s recent hand, foot and mouth disease. 

Many stressful events that adults can handle can cause stress in kids, and from the age of around 6 months to 3 years, it’s very common for young children to have separation anxiety, which I’m seeing a bit of while Alisdair is recovering. He’s currently on my lap as I write this email and won’t even let me pee in peace right now – (sorry if that’s TMI!)

Stress will show up in different ways for different children, for example:

– Behavioural changes, such as moodiness, aggression, a short temper or clinginess
– Development of a nervous habit, such as nail-biting or bed wetting
– Difficulty concentrating
– Fears or phobias
– Getting into trouble at school or refusing to go to school
– Hoarding items of seeming insignificance
– Withdrawing from family or friends
– Complaining of stomach aches or headaches
– Difficulty sleeping

Thankfully I have the answer!

In Stretch & Play sessions we help children to alleviate stress through mindfulness and movement, and most importantly just allowing them to play and have fun.

The sessions support stressed children in the following ways:

– It’s a routine, it always follows the same structure
– Physically moving the body releases endorphins
– Collaborating with each other in the games and stories increases social connection and support
– Children are listened to and encouraged to contribute to the stories
– Mindful breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system and increases a sense of calm
– Bringing awareness to the senses helps a child feel grounded

I’d love it if you make 2024 the year you bring movement and mindfulness to your kids either through classes or by starting a new career sharing these amazing techniques in your community. 

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